以色列 (Israel)

特拉维夫 (Tel Aviv)

拉宾纪念碑 (Yitzhak Rabin Memorial)

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拿撒勒 (Nazareth)

圣母领报堂 (Basilica of the Annunciation)

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海法 (Haifa)

>巴哈伊空中花园 (Baháʼí)

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阿卡 (Akko)

骑士大厅 (The Knights Halls)

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罗什哈尼克拉石窟 (Rosh HaNikra Grottoes)

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黎巴嫩-以色列边界 (Lebanon - Israel Border)

东方快车遗迹 (Orient Express Remains)

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巴尼亚斯 (Banias)

希律亚基帕二世宫殿遗址 (Palace of Herod Agrippa II)

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戈兰高地 (Golan Heights)

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基布兹 (Kibbutz)

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八福堂 (Church of the Beatitudes)

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五饼二鱼堂 (Church of the Multiplication)

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迦百农 (Capernaum)

圣伯多祿教堂 (St. Peter's Church)

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死海 (Dead Sea)

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马萨达 (Masada)

北宫 (Northern Palace)

罗马军团营寨的痕迹 (Traces of the Roman Legionary Camp)

罗马军团修筑的攻击坡道 (Assault Ramp Built by Roman Legions)

罗马式浴池 (Bathing in Roman Style)

犹太会堂 (The Synagogue)

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耶路撒冷 (Jerusalem)

议会 (Knesset)

马哈尼耶胡达市场 (Mahane Yehuda Market)

金门 (Golden Gate)

远眺耶路撒冷老城 (Overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem)

犹太成人礼 (Bar and Bat Mitzvah)

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圣殿山 (The Temple Mount)

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哭墙 (The Western Wall)

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大卫塔 (The Tower of David)

从大卫塔俯瞰城市 (Viewing from the Tower of David)

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大卫墓 (David's Tomb)

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锡安门 (Zion Gate)

弹痕累累 (Bullet Ridden)

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万国教会 (Church of All Nations)

客西马尼园 (Gethsemane)

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抹大拉的马利亚教堂 (Church of Mary Magdalene)

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圣母玛利亚之墓 (Tomb of the Virgin Mary)

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苦路 (Stations of the Cross)

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圣墓教堂 (The Church of the Holy Sepulchre)

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以色列博物馆 (Israel Museum)

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犹太大屠杀纪念馆 (Yad Vashem)

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凯撒利亚国家公园 (Caesarea National Park)

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雅法 (Jaffa)

尤里盖勒 (Uri Geller)

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