土耳其 (Turkey)

伊斯坦布尔 (Istanbul)

君士坦丁纪念柱 (Column of Constantine)

苏丹艾哈迈德广场 (Sultanahmet Square)

蛇柱 (Serpent Column)

图特摩斯三世方尖碑 (Obelisk of Theodosius)

墙柱 (Walled Obelisk)

加拉塔大桥 (Galata Bridge)

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托普卡帕宫 (Topkapı Palace)

博物馆 (Museum)

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圣索菲亚大教堂 (Hagia Sophia)

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苏莱曼清真寺 (Süleymaniye Mosque)


其他清真寺 (Other Mosques)

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大巴扎集市 (Grand Bazaar)

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狄奧多西地下水宮 (Theodosius Cistern)

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王子群岛 (Princes' Islands)

托洛斯基故居 (The residing place of Leon Trotsky)

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澳新军团登陆点 (ANZAC Landing Site)

澳新军团阵亡者墓地 (Lone Pine Cemetery)

奥斯曼第五十七步兵团阵亡者墓地 (57th Infantry Regiment Memorial)

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特洛伊古城 (Troy)

城门遗址 如果木马计是史实,木马应该从这里被推进城 (Trojan Horse)

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佩加蒙古希腊医疗中心 (Asklepion of Pergamon)

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艾菲斯遗址 (Ephesus)

古罗马公共浴池遗址 (Roman Baths)

古罗马冲水公厕遗址 (Ancient Roman Toilets)

塞尔苏斯图书馆遗址 (Library of Celsus)

容纳二万五千观众的剧场遗址 (Theatre)

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圣母玛丽亚最后的住处 (House of the Virgin Mary)

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圣约翰大教堂遗址 (Basilica of St. John)

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梅乌拉那博物馆 (Mevlana Museum)

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丝绸之路上的古驿站 (Sultanhanı)

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棉花堡 (Pamukkale)

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三仙女烟囱石 (Uc Guzeller)

鸽子谷 (Pigeon Valley)

乌奇萨城堡 (Uchisar Castle)

格雷梅山谷全景 (Goreme valley panorama)

德文特山谷 (Devrent Valley)

蘑菇谷 (Mushroom Valley)

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热气球之旅 (Hot Air Balloon)

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岩窟教堂 (Churches of Göreme)

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奥兹可纳卡地下城 (Özkonak Underground City)

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土耳其国父纪念馆 (Anıtkabir)

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安纳托利亚文明史博物馆 (Museum of Anatolian Civilizations)

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